Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The start

The path any human being takes seems to depend on many things, but nothing is as important as his or her thought patterns. "I think, therefore I am" said a wise man.
I DON'T claim that
I am an expert in psychology
I am an expert in motivation
I am an expert in religion
I am an expert in philosophy
I am an expert in people
I am like Mr Beans. I know no Fear, I know no Threat. I know Nothing :-)

But Ignorance is the gift, since you are able to think in ways nobody else is conditioned to think. Yes, people are conditioned to think in ways they do. Since the day we were born, we have been conditioned to think - this is right - this is wrong - Do this - Do not do this - Fear this - Embrace that - Read this - Do not read that - Listen to him - Do not listen to him - Paint on the drawing paper - Do not paint on the wall - Pick the dirt in your house - Do not pick it when you are in the street - Study this - Do not study that - Do this job - Do not do this job - Eat this food - Do not eat this food.

Yes all these have conditioned our thoughts. A whole learned world who have missed the fun in thinking all by themselves. Thinking by themselves. Finding their mission on earth. Crafting their dreams. Attaining them. Being one with oneselves. The learned man has to undo his learning. He has to go all the way rom his PhD doctorate, to his Post-Graduation to Graduation to High School to Kinder Garten and in the process unlearn his 'learnings', those that were imposed by the society, so that he/she conforms to the template. I am in no way denying that the conformance to many societal rules have formed what we call the 'highly-developed' human race. But quite many of the 'learnings' we did, the directions we followed have moved us away from our real self. It has 'influenced our thinking in many ways.

We have been made smart enough to fool everyone else. But how long can you fool yourselves?

Once you undo your 'learnings' diligently applying your unbiased thoughts, you achieve the state of the so called pamaran (pa-ma-ran). The person who is not learnt.

Because ignorance is bliss, it gives you fresh energy to analyse the world in your own terms.

I am one of those rare humans who think that to be great you have to be a pamaran. The more you learn, the less you earn(I am not just taking about money). History is full of people who have become great minds, even though they have not passed elementary school. To me, I think the real reason they became great were that they were not moulded to think in certain ways only.

So toast 'Good Health' to this lonely pamaran, in the world of the pandits. I intent to think aloud my thoughts which have been conditioned by serious people watching, events watching, silent listening to all view points, silent contemplation and critical analysis of various view points. However I do not proof read my posts before I publish. So spelling mistakes and grammatical errors are to be expected. I do not wish to interrupt the smooth and efficient process through which my thoughts appear as words in Arial font on my computer screen, just by exercising my fingers :-). I am sorry for the inconvinience caused, if any.