Thursday, May 20, 2010

Papacy over Celibacy = Papi

Mr Butler's soda maker was a great invention. Just that, it was not Mr Butler who made the soda maker. It was some smart Indian. It makes all liquid fizzy.

All you have to do was to take a bottle of water, stick it under the Soda maker and turn few knobs or push some button - and behold, the water in the bottle becomes fizzy. You can either chose to drink the soda then and there or bottle it up for future use.

If there is too much soda in a small bottle, the bottle might crack.
If the seal is not tight, the fizz will slowly fizz out over a period, reducing the risk of damage to the bottle.
If the seal is too tight, the soda will get frustrated and can only think about how to get out of the bottle.

Sexual drive among sworn celibates are something like that bottled up soda water. You can either expend it when the urge arises or you can bottle it up - the celibates have been asked to bottle it up - or dont think about the soda in the water. i.e. if you do not think of it, it does not exist. But the fact is that you think about all day what you consciously avoid to think about. That is the biological nature of humans.

When it is bottled up, the fizzy soda of sex is infact imprisioned in the bottle, waiting for an expansionary expression or an enchanting escape.

As long as the expression is not made and the escape is not successful, things look normal.

The soda constantly hits the seal in hope of an escape. It mostly succeeds in pushing out one molecule at a time in a very discreet manner. If someone notices that, he/she will tighten the seal, frustrating the soda further, which is now "hell"-bent on getting out again.

So who is at fault?. Is it the water, is it the soda or is it the seal that is causing a frustration of the senses that is controlled by physical, mental and biological needs that are hard-wired into the evolutionary genetic code of existence.

The Soda is not the sinner(papi). Soda is being sinned against.

Papacy over Celibacy = Papi

Political Perspective of Ego Accounting

Politics to me is the whole social act that is put up to acheive a hidden and overriding objective that dangles over social interactions.

I know not of a place where politics does not exist.

I wonder whether this is in-built in the human race or is that part of a pre-planned organic evolution. Over the past year, I have been keenly conscious and observant of political maneuvering of all people I have come across.

What a pity! I realised that Politics reigns everywhere.
It does not matter how rich one is or how poor one is.
It does not matter how powerful one is or how powerless one is.
It does not matter whether one is fortunate or unfortunate.
It does not matter. Politics reigns in all social interactions.
Even though not all forms of Politics are harmful to another human.

That impelled me to evaluate the possible cause of this all pervading human behaviour.

I realise that this stems primarily from the twin worries of the human race - insecurity and uncertainty.

With this background knowledge, I realise that social interactions are mainly viewed by the human brain as social transactions. These transactions have an associated debit and credit of the ego of the persons who are interacting. As long as a person's ego has a positive balance and the social interaction lead to a net increase of the balance, he/she has a momentary feeling of contentment. If the social interaction leads to a debit of one's net ego, it take the person's mind off balance and it soons enters a complicated and hitherto undecompositioned analysis pattern of data mining (including a complex matrix of integrations and differentiations) to arrive at a totally counter-intuitive predictive outcome, which guides and governs the response pattern that is aimed to bring back sustainable stability (or atleast to reinstate) the ego account, either instantly or in the foreseeable future. Interestingly, the ego account is quickly re-balanced, if the response pattern is effective in causing a net decrease in the counterparty's ego account.

This is the basis of Ego Accounting.

(the rest in another post)